Indianapolis contains many sites where historical activities such as operation as a fueling station, dry cleaner, or factory have caused environmental contamination of soil, groundwater, or air with chemicals. One significant large-scale site is located in Marion County’s Riverside wellfield and is called Site 0135.
News, Events, and Updates from MCWEC
2017 Groundwater Foundation Conference Summary
Members of the Marion County Wellfield Education Corporation attended and presented at the 2017 Groundwater Foundation Conference in Boise, Idaho in October along with other groundwater advocates from around the country.
Round-Robin Lunch at the Groundwater Foundation
While at the Groundwater Foundation Conference, MCWEC was able to participate in a round-robin lunch with other Groundwater Guardian Communities to talk informally with other conference attendees about how we protect groundwater and bounce ideas off of each other. Chris Barnett and Haley Waldkoetter had a great time rotating around the room sharing about MCWEC […]
Groundwater Foundation Conference Presentation
MCWEC presented at the Groundwater Foundations 2017 Conference in beautiful Boise, Idaho! We discussed the multiple ways groundwater is protected in Marion County for the good of all water users. Christopher Barnett from the Lawrence Community Development Corporation and Pam Thevenow from the Marion County Public Health Department represented the MCWEC Board while John Mundell […]
Exclusive Preview of our Groundwater Foundation Conference Presentation!
We’re headed to the Groundwater Foundation’s conference in Boise, Idaho from October 24-26!
Do you need help getting ready for compliance with the Wellfield Health Code?
If your business is located in a Marion County Wellfield and you handle chemicals, you may have been visited by a representative of the Marion County Public Health Department passing out some information about the new Wellfield Health Code and collecting contact information for your business. The purpose of these visits is to give you […]