Join Dr. Gabe Filippelli, Executive Director of the Indiana University Environmental Resilience Institute and a host of guests on the latest season of the local water issues podcast, The Collective Tap. Dr. Filippelli will take listeners through five new conversations about the most pressing issues facing Indiana’s water resources. Season 5 includes: You can also […]
Main Content
Marion County Wellfield Education Corporation
Groundwater and Drinking Water Protection for Indianapolis and Marion County Indiana
Am I in a wellfield?
Groundwater is your drinking water. Protect it!
Our mission is to protect the groundwater resources of Marion County by providing education and resources to individuals and businesses.

Schedule Assessment
We conduct free and confidental personalized site assessments for any business located in one of Marion County’s wellfields.

Seconday Containment /
Spill Assistance Program
Businesses located in a wellfield are eligible for assistance in order to help them achieve compliance with the wellfield protection code.

Business Resources
Printable guides, forms, and checklists for best management practices and required for compliance with Marion County and Indianapolis wellfield regulations.
Recent News
Add your voice to water quality education in Indiana
When you think of water quality, what comes to mind? Do you know how to find and understand your water provider’s annual water quality report? These are a few of the types of questions the Indiana Geological and Water Survey is seeking to understand in a recent survey made available to persons 18 years of […]

Can I recycle holiday lights?
Yes! Recycling Christmas and holiday lights is fast and easy. If you live in Marion County, IN there are many opportunities for electronic waste recycling (call to confirm they are taking holiday lights). For Christmas lights specifically, the Indianapolis Zoo is accepting these tangly strands now through January 5, 2025. Find the donation bins at […]
Fun Facts
Wellfield Protection Areas in Marion County, Indiana
square miles of land legally designated as Wellfield Protection Areas
billion gallons of water used yearly as part of the public water supply
wells which supply water to the public drinking water system