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Marion County Wellfield Education Corporation
Groundwater and Drinking Water Protection for Indianapolis and Marion County Indiana
Am I in a wellfield?
Groundwater is your drinking water. Protect it!
Our mission is to protect the groundwater resources of Marion County by providing education and resources to individuals and businesses.
Schedule Assessment
We conduct free and confidental personalized site assessments for any business located in one of Marion County’s wellfields.
Seconday Containment /
Spill Assistance Program
Businesses located in a wellfield are eligible for assistance in order to help them achieve compliance with the wellfield protection code.
Business Resources
Printable guides, forms, and checklists for best management practices and required for compliance with Marion County and Indianapolis wellfield regulations.
Recent News
ACT for Groundwater on Protect Your Groundwater Day 2024
Sept 4 marks the annual celebration of Protection Your Groundwater Day, a time where water professionals around the country encourage communities to promote and protect their groundwater supply.
Protecting Our Water Sources while Camping
Late summer and early fall are great times to head out for a camping adventure. We easily remember to plan for where and how to get safe drinking water. Campers should also think about how they can protect water sources at their destination for both future visitors and wildlife. Here are 5 easy ways to […]
Fun Facts
Wellfield Protection Areas in Marion County, Indiana
square miles of land legally designated as Wellfield Protection Areas
billion gallons of water used yearly as part of the public water supply
wells which supply water to the public drinking water system