If you’re inheriting a well, maintaining your water quality may seem like a daunting possibility. This National Groundwater Association video details 3 easy to remember steps.
News, Events, and Updates from MCWEC
10 Facts About Groundwater
To celebrate National Groundwater Awareness this week, here are 10 facts about groundwater to #THINK about.
It’s National Groundwater Awareness Week!
From March 10-16, 2019, the National Ground Water Association and organizations around the country observe National Groundwater Awareness Week.
What Can Be Found In An Uncapped Well?
Professional Engineer Ed Butts from 4B Engineering & Consulting in Salem, Oregon recounts several stories of critters and even a tree found in uncapped water wells during his 40 year career.
New Study Shows Microplastic Contamination in Karst Groundwater Systems
A new study published in Groundwater, shows the presence of microplastics in Karst groundwater systems.
Happening Today! Groundwater Fly-In
On March 5 and 6, 2019 groups and individuals are participating in an event in Washington D.C. to increase the water industry’s profile on Capitol Hill regarding the availability, quality, and safety of our nation’s water resources.