Explore our annual report on groundwater protection activities taking place during 2021 and learn how YOU can protect our drinking water.
Water Reports
2020 Indiana Water Report: University Contributions to Water Research
From the southwestern corner of Indiana to areas across the northern part of the state, universities and colleges are undertaking countless water monitoring and research projects, data analysis, coordinating citizen science ventures, and working with other stakeholders to protect Indiana’s water resources.
2020 MCWEC Annual Report
Explore our interactive annual report on groundwater protection activities taking place during 2020 and learn how YOU can protect our drinking water.
2020 Indiana Water Report: State-wide Agency Monitoring and Research
Largely behind the scenes, the various agencies of Indiana’s state government conduct many ongoing and special projects from year to year to protect our statewide surface and groundwater resources.
2020 Indiana Water Report: Water Monitoring and Research in Marion County
In this country, we don’t think twice about the quality of our water. How many times a day do we use the faucet or a water source without giving a second thought to how clean our water may be? Despite the seamless flow of getting water from the source to our homes and businesses, there […]
2019 MCWEC Annual Report
The annual MCWEC report summarizes the status of Marion County’s wellfield protection program as of December 2019 and provides information on general business types present in the wellfields, along with potential groundwater contaminant sources and local, state and federally regulated sites.