Review Marion County Public Health Department’s draft of the wellfield protection ordinance. This ordinance is in the process of being approved and will likely be officially approved in early 2017 with an effective data in 2018.
News, Events, and Updates from MCWEC
Recycling Weekend at the Indianapolis Zoo
This Saturday and Sunday from 9am – 3pm, the Indianapolis Zoo is holding a mass recycling event for the city. The event, “Power Recycling Weekend”, happens twice a year and allows residents to bring household items to recycle, plus receive $2 off their admission for participating. In the spring 40,300 pounds of recyclable and reusable […]
New Boundaries for Speedway Wellfield Set
Recently, a scientific study was conducted that changed the shape and boundaries of the wellfield protection areas for the Speedway wellfield. A walk-in meeting is scheduled for November 16, 2016.
MCWEC President Contributes Article to National Groundwater Foundation
Check out this blog from the National Groundwater Foundation written by MCWEC’s own president, Chris Barnett. In this article, Chris talks about the roles and responsibilities of MCWEC, challenges of protecting groundwater in Marion County, and some of the things MCWEC has done! The National Groundwater Foundation is a non-profit founded in 1985 that seeks […]
The Role of the Technically Qualified Person (TQP) in Wellfield Protection
Over 13.8 billion gallons of drinking water is pumped from Marion County wells each year, and over 19,000 acres of land are part of seven wellfield protection areas within Marion County. Within those wellfield areas land uses include residences, businesses and industry. There are multiple potential sources of pollution for wellfields including the storage, use, […]
Best Managment Practices Evident in Speedway Wellfield Businesses
This month, we checked out a variety of auto businesses in the Speedway wellfield. We conducted our usual site-walk throughs looking for where waste and other liquids are stored as well as checking the conditions of floors and pavement. We were thrilled to find some best management practices (BMPs) at one location. Here are some […]