Did you know that one of Indiana’s best state parks is located within a wellfield? Ft. Harrison State Park in Lawrence is located within the Lawrence Wellfield! All of the drinking water for the city of Lawrence (an excluded city of Indianapolis) comes from groundwater, which includes groundwater pulled from underneath the state park! If […]
News, Events, and Updates from MCWEC
Throwback Thursday – MCWEC’s 2001 Billboard
Check out the photo of MCWEC’s billboard to raise awareness of the wellfields from 2001. The same message of the importance of groundwater holds true today, 16 years later! MCWEC itself has spent over 20 years protecting Indianapolis’ drinking water. Learn more about our history and mission.
Marion County Water Supply Consumer Confidence Reports
The EPA requires that public water utilities publish a special report every year called a “Consumer Confidence Report”. The purpose of the report is to protect public health by requiring water utilities to publish information about any potential health risks from the quality, treatment, and management of their drinking water supply so that consumers can […]
Why We Can’t Pour Chemicals Down Drains
If you frequent businesses is located in a drinking water protection area in Marion County, Indiana, you may have noticed signs near sinks and drains saying the site is in a wellfield and chemicals may not be disposed of down a drain. You may wonder why this is important because the facility is likely hooked […]
2017 Groundwater Foundation National Conference
MCWEC will be presenting at the 2017 Groundwater Foundation National Conference in Boise, Idaho from October 24-26. The theme of the conference is Leading the Way: People, Policies, and Practices to Protect & Conserve Groundwater. We are excited to share our experiences with wellfield protection with people from other cities and states! Marion County has […]
We’re celebrating Drinking Water Week!
Drinking Water Week is May 7th to 13th this year! We are celebrating by sharing some informational resources from the American Water Works Association. Drinking Water Week has been celebrated annually for more than 35 years! The purpose of Drinking Water Week is to recognize the vital role that water plays in our daily lives. […]