On Saturday April 28th, MCWEC attended the ‘Going Green in the Grove’ event at Hornet Park Community Center in Beech Grove. This event was in celebration of Arbor Day and MCWEC was present to help inform the public about the groundwater resources of Marion County.
News, Events, and Updates from MCWEC
Going Green in the Grove on April 28
MCWEC is partnering with the Indianapolis Environmental Equity Council to present a booth at Going Green in the Grove in Beech Grove to celebrate Arbor Day!
USGS Groundwater Level Monitoring in Marion County
The US Geological Survey (USGS) continuously monitors the levels of groundwater around the country with more than 1,500 stations. Indiana has over 40 stations, two in Marion County. The first station, known as Station Marion County 35, is located downtown, near the Indiana War Memorial and the Veteran’s Memorial Plaza at the intersection of Meridian […]
Private Wells in Marion County
Drinking water resources and information for landowners with private wells who are not connected to the public supply.
Groundwater Quality in the Glacial Aquifer System
Groundwater quality results in Indiana from the USGS 2017 Glacial Aquifer System Report.
Glacial Aquifer Groundwater Availability Study
Groundwater availability is an important issue worldwide and throughout the United States. The US Geological Survey (USGS) within the Department of Interior is tasked with studying groundwater in the United States and in 2017 produced a comprehensive report.