The White River Alliance invites you to join them on Sunday, July 14 for their Annual Meeting featuring So Fly, a fly fishing podcast crew from Ontario, Canada.
News, Events, and Updates from MCWEC
White River Vision Plan to be Unveiled
Join local community leaders and neighbors on Monday June 3 at the Indianapolis Art Center for the plan unveiling.
Tips for Filling Out Your Spill Plan (Part 1 – Contacts and Location)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 One of the requirements for many businesses located in Marion County wellfields is to have an Emergency Response and Spill Prevention Plan. The Marion County Public Health Department (MCPHD) provides a spill plan template which is available here. This fillable pdf template is a […]
Private Wells and the Health Department
The Marion County Public Health Department (MCPHD) regulates the construction of private wells and well pumps through the state and local ordinances.
New Waste Disposal Resources
MCWEC recently added a new web page featuring waste disposal information. Check it out for various options for safely disposing of waste materials.
Is It a Spill or Is It a Release?
Many people often use the terms “spill” and “release” interchangeably. However, there is a regulatory difference between the two terms that indicate whether you are required to report a release to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.