Riparian owners have important rights and responsibilities to protecting the water and local ecosystem near their property.
News, Events, and Updates from MCWEC
Combined Tox-Away Day this Saturday (FREE)
This Saturday (Sept 30, 2023) the Indianapolis Department of Public Works & RecycleForce are hosting a FREE household hazardous waste and electronics disposal community event from 9am-2pm at Garfield Park.
What are businesses and organizations in Indiana doing to prevent pollution and protect water quality?
Check out these some of the past award winners of the Governor’s Awards for Environmental Excellence who contributed positively to improving Indiana’s water quality and decreasing and properly managing waste.
5 things your business can do during Pollution Prevention Week to protect our water supply
From September 18-22, 2023, communities, individuals, and businesses around the country will take action to reduce, eliminate or prevent pollution. Protecting water is one way we can all participate!
Geist Reservoir at 80
On March 17, 1943 the Geist reservoir was officially placed into service after winter and spring snow melts filled the reservoir to its capacity. Originally built to be a source of drinking water during periods of drought and low stream flow, the reservoir, which turns 80 this year, continues to be a major source of drinking water for Marion County.
From Gadgets to Groundwater: Why E-waste Stewardship is Crucial to Protect Water Resources
Our lives today revolve around electronics; from smartphones to laptops, smart TVs to fridges, our modern world depends on these devices. But this convenience and connectivity comes with a steep cost, particularly when these electronics reach the end of their lifespan. The vast amount of electronic waste, or e-waste, we generate poses a serious threat […]