The EPA is continuing its work to address PFAS contamination in the United States through a new PFAS Strategic Roadmap released this fall.
News, Events, and Updates from MCWEC
Join SWAT: Storm Water Action Teams!
What is SWAT? SWAT events are part of the White River Alliance’s volunteer opportunities aimed at making a difference for our water. A SWAT is a Storm Water Action Team. SWATs can be made up of groups of kids, colleagues, or neighbors that are willing to donate time to help steward storm drains and promote water […]
Reduce Your Water Challenge!
DO YOUR PART TO SAVE WATER! Can you reduce your water usage for 30 days by 30 gallons? Did you know the average American uses 100 gallons of water every day? Learn how to reduce your water usage by 30 gallons a day with the 30by30 app! 30by30 is a fun, free water-tracking app for […]
Why is Preventing Groundwater Contamination Important?
The purpose of the Marion County Wellfield Education Corporation is to prevent contamination of Marion County’s groundwater. Why do we care about groundwater contamination, though? Groundwater contamination occurs when man-made products such as gasoline, oil, road salts and chemicals get into the groundwater and cause it to become unsafe and unfit for human use. You may […]
Save Your Spot for Groundwater Summit 2021
The 2021 NGWA Groundwater Summit will take place virtually Dec 7-8. Early bird discounts available through Nov 5.
The Impact of Construction Sites on Groundwater
Environmental hazards at construction sites abound: construction waste, fossil fuel guzzling equipment, and sediment from unprotected or disturbed soils. As winter approaches what steps can be taken to prevent erosion at construction sites?