The National Ground Water Association’s (NGWA) Protect Your Groundwater Day (#PYGWD) is taking place on Sept. 4, 2018.
Protect Your Groundwater Day – September 4
The National Ground Water Association’s (NGWA) Protect Your Groundwater Day (#PYGWD) is taking place on Sept. 4, 2018.
Protect Your Groundwater Day – September 4
The National Ground Water Association’s (NGWA) Protect Your Groundwater Day (#PYGWD) is taking place on Sept. 4, 2018.
Glacial Aquifer Groundwater Availability Study
Groundwater availability is an important issue worldwide and throughout the United States. The US Geological Survey (USGS) within the Department of Interior is tasked with studying groundwater in the United States and in 2017 produced a comprehensive report.
Why We Can’t Pour Chemicals Down Drains
If you frequent businesses is located in a drinking water protection area in Marion County, Indiana, you may have noticed signs near sinks and drains saying the site is in a wellfield and chemicals may not be disposed of down a drain. You may wonder why this is important because the facility is likely hooked […]
Let’s talk about Groundwater Contamination
The purpose of the MCWEC is to prevent contamination of Marion County’s groundwater. Currently, about 25% of the water used in Indianapolis comes from groundwater. As we grow, more of our water will come from groundwater. Hundreds of clean ups are occurring around Indianapolis of old leaks and spills. We want to make sure no more groundwater is contaminated because it presents a risk to human health and the environment and the subsequent clean ups are very expensive.