Groundwater is one of our most valuable resources, even though you never see it or realize it is there. But it is only found in usable quantities in certain places underground and those places are call aquifers.
Groundwater Quality and Nitrate Webinar
The North Central Region Water Network is hosting a webinar next week focused on how irrigation management impacts nitrate leaching and groundwater quality.
Groundwater Myth-busting!
6 facts about groundwater to set the record straight!
What can I do to reduce groundwater pollution?
Groundwater contamination can last for decades and be difficult and expensive to clean up. Pollution prevention is the key. Discover ways you can help!
How Rain Gardens can help you improve water quality at home and at work
Rain gardens are areas of landscape designed to catch rainwater long enough to allow it to percolate slowly back into the groundwater rather than run off the surface into a storm drain.
THINK! What will you do?
As National Groundwater Awareness Week concludes, what are you doing to protect the groundwater in our city? For businesses located in the Marion County Wellfield Protection Area, certain actions are required by law.