One of the requirements for many businesses located in Marion County wellfields is to have an Emergency Response and Spill Prevention Plan.
A spill kit, is just one component of this plan. (Tips for creating your Emergency Response and Spill Prevention Plan).
Here are some of the basics of spill kits!
What is a spill kit?
A spill kit is a collection of items to be used in case of a spill, leak, or other discharge. The kit provides all of the items needed for an immediate response and clean-up.
What should be in a spill kit?
The type and amounts of chemicals at your facility will determine the exact equipment your spill kit will need to contain.

Basic spill kits should include:
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Chemical resistant (nitrile) gloves
- Googles (for acids or other eye irritants)
- Disposable lab coat or apron
- Materials & equipment to clean-up small spills
- Granular absorbent (such as cat litter, sawdust, or commercial product)
- Absorbent pads and booms
- Broom and dustpan
- Garbage bags
- Collection container (can be used to store contents of spill kit)
For sites with the potential for larger spills or spills of hazardous chemicals, please contact us or the Marion County Public Health Department for specific advice on products and equipment for your spill kit.
How should a spill kit be packed?
You should pack the items in your spill so materials needed earliest in a spill response are the easiest to access. PPE should be stored on top, then absorbent materials, then other clean up supplies.
Where can I purchase a spill kit or materials to make a spill kit?
You can purchase a spill kit through most industrial supply catalogs or internet sites. Complete kits retail for approximately $30 for a 5-gallon kit to $300 for a basic drum kit.
You will likely save money by creating your own kit. Materials to make your own kit can be purchased from hardware stores or industrial supply catalogs or internet sites.
Need help with your spill kit?