The purpose of the MCWEC is to prevent contamination of Marion County’s groundwater. Currently, about 25% of the water used in Indianapolis comes from groundwater. As we grow, more of our water will come from groundwater. Hundreds of clean ups are occurring around Indianapolis of old leaks and spills. We want to make sure no more groundwater is contaminated because it presents a risk to human health and the environment and the subsequent clean ups are very expensive.
News, Events, and Updates from MCWEC
Are you ready to be inspected by the Marion County Public Health Department?
The new health code covering businesses in the wellfields that use chemicals was effective in January of 2017. This mean that the requirements of the health code CURRENTLY APPLY. Review our checklist of requirements to learn more.
MCWEC shares wellfield protection work with Metropolitan and Economic Development Committee
MCWEC board chair, Chris Barnett, presented at the Metropolitan and Economic Development Committee meeting last night to share our 2017 Annual Report and other information about MCWEC. It was great to get a chance to share our work on wellfield protection with the committee. Our presentation is available online, please take a look if you […]
Underground Storage Tanks and Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
Today we want to shine a spotlight on a specific potential contaminate source in our wellfields – underground storage tanks (USTs) and leaking underground storage tanks (LUSTs). An underground storage tank (UST) is a tank that stores a liquid below the surface of the ground. You often encounter USTs in your daily life at the […]
South Wellfield Site Visits & Giveaways
This spring, MCWEC is conducting site visits in the South Indianapolis Wellfield. The purpose of our site assessments is to give business owners a heads up about a heath code that was passed at the end of 2016 and what your business needs to do to comply.
Happy World Water Day!
Celebrate World Water Day and help keep our groundwater safe!
Indianapolis water facts