The Indiana Department of Environmental Management will be accepting new businesses who go above and beyond current environmental regulations into its Environmental Stewardship Program through May 31, 2021. ESP focuses on improving Indiana’s environmental and business climate through innovation and efficient resource allocation.
News, Events, and Updates from MCWEC
Preventing Spills in Chemical Manufacturing, Distribution, Storage, and Transport Businesses
HOW DOES THIS AFFECT ME IN THE CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING AND DISTRIBUTION BUSINESS? Changes to Indianapolis zoning codes and Marion County health ordinances will likely affect your business operations by mandating certain Best Management Practices (BMPs) that were previously voluntary. If you are careful to contain your contaminants, you will avoid polluting your site, or environs […]
Call for Abstracts, Workshops, and Papers
Groundwater professionals are invited to advance the mission of the National Groundwater Association by sharing their knowledge through publications, online events, and conferences in 2021. Deadlines for several opportunities are due in May 2021.
Preventing Spills in Auto Repair and Service
HOW DOES THIS AFFECT ME IN THE AUTOMOBILE REPAIR AND SERVICE BUSINESS? Changes to Indianapolis zoning codes and Marion County health ordinances will likely affect your business operations by mandating certain Best Management Practices (BMPs) that were previously voluntary. If you are careful to contain your contaminants, you will avoid polluting your site, or environs […]
2020 Indiana Water Report: State-wide Agency Monitoring and Research
Largely behind the scenes, the various agencies of Indiana’s state government conduct many ongoing and special projects from year to year to protect our statewide surface and groundwater resources.
2020 Indiana Water Report: Water Monitoring and Research in Marion County
In this country, we don’t think twice about the quality of our water. How many times a day do we use the faucet or a water source without giving a second thought to how clean our water may be? Despite the seamless flow of getting water from the source to our homes and businesses, there […]