Groundwater Awareness Week (#GWAW) serves as an annual reminder for water well owners to test, tend, and treat their private water systems. NGWA encourages annual inspections of private water systems by certified water well contractors to ensure systems are operating correctly and producing safe and healthy water. Water, our most valuable and precious resource needs advocates who understand the […]
News, Events, and Updates from MCWEC
Drilling Basics Online
This year during Nation Groundwater Awareness Week we wanted to share one of the many efforts put forth by our friends at NGWA to protect and support our groundwater: Drilling Basics Online. This year, NGWA and its partners will be focusing their advocacy on promoting professional opportunities in the groundwater industry. According to the American Geoscience […]
10 Ways to Protect Groundwater
Here are 10 ways on how you can be part of the solution in protecting and conserving groundwater! Use native plants in your landscape. They look great, and don’t need much water or fertilizer. Also choose grass varieties for your lawn that are adapted for your region’s climate, reducing the need for extensive watering or […]
Make Learning About Groundwater Fun
Make learning about groundwater fun with Dripial Pursuit! Discover fascinating water facts while challenging students, friends, or family to learn about, and develop, an understanding of the many roles water plays in our environment. Dripial Pursuit comes boxed as a set of 52 cards containing thought-provoking questions regarding water, natural resources, and geography. Get yours […]
National Groundwater Awareness Week is Coming!
National Groundwater Awareness week is coming! Life as we know it would be impossible without groundwater. It is the world’s most extracted natural resource, and it supports our ecosystems. Don’t take groundwater for granted. Pay it forward during National Groundwater Awareness Week, March 6-12, 2022 by letting others know the importance of groundwater and asking them […]
World Wetlands Day Now Recognized as a United Nations Celebration
Each year in February we celebrate the amazing complexity and value of wetlands. 2022 marks the first year the United Nations recognizes the day as an official celebration. In Indiana, 85% of our original wetlands have been lost, making this day important to promoting awareness of these diverse natural resources.