Make a simple change (or 2!) in your life or at your place of work that can result in a BIG impact for our communities, waterways, and wildlife this Earth Month.
News, Events, and Updates from MCWEC
Save the Date! Indiana Water Summit 2022
Mark your calendars for the 5th Annual Indiana Water Summit on September 7th & 8th, 2022 to help chart Indiana’s water future. Participants can expect to hear from an impressive array of national and local speakers about the Indiana Water Roadmap, best practices, case studies, and lessons learned, and there will be plenty of opportunity […]
Advanced Training Track registration opens for contractors to manage Rule 5 construction sites in Indiana
The White River Alliance is holding an advanced training for Stormwater Trained Individual Contractor Certification Program on April 21 via Zoom.
Chase down leaks at your business during Fix a Leak Week
Each year household leaks across the US waste nearly 1 trillion gallons of water – add in water wasted in places of business – that’s a lot! Join the EPA to save valuable water and money all year and especially during the annual Fix a Leak Week.
Facts about Groundwater
Here are a few facts about groundwater, brought to us by the National Ground Water Association. A brief history on #GWAW, groundwater awareness week, an annual observance was established in 1999 to highlight the responsible development, management, and use of groundwater. The event is also a platform to encourage yearly water well testing and well […]
Recommended: Annual Well Inspection
Our friends over at recommend getting your well inspected every year to make sure everything is operating in peak condition. We wanted to use National Groundwater Awareness Week to remind you to schedule your checkup. Schedule Your Annual Water Well Checkup Wells can provide drinking water of the highest quality. Owning a private household-supply […]