With car travel increasing during the holidays, drivers should keep groundwater safety in mind when refueling at the pump.
News, Events, and Updates from MCWEC
Got a pile of old tires? Think marketable resource.
New opportunities is hardly an image that comes to mind when driving by a sky-high pile of old tires. In fact, old tires or “waste tires” as they are commonly known pose a number of environmental hazards such as catching fire, becoming a breading ground for mosquitos, and even leaving behind hazardous oil residue that pollutes surface and groundwater.
Protect Your Well This Winter
Winter is coming. Before it gets too cold it is good to think about protecting your well in the upcoming winter months. Here are 3 suggestions to keep your well safe this season. Protect Your Pump Many wells are buried deep in the ground and protected from the cold temperatures. But if your pump is […]
Groundwater Week Conference kicks off Dec 6
The premiere event for groundwater professionals kicks off in a few short weeks on December 6, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Thousands of professionals from all sectors of the groundwater industry will come together to discover solutions to current and future challenges at the National Groundwater Association’s Groundwater Week.
Drainage Management to Protect Water Quality
Properly managing stormwater whether you are a homeowner or business is essential to protecting drinking water quality and can also have a big impact wildlife in the waterways. Homeowners, business and the city of Indianapolis can work together to keep water clean and flowing freely.
2021 Indiana Water Report from the Indiana Water Monitoring Council
The 2021 Indiana Water Report from the Indiana Water Monitoring Council summarizing current water monitoring efforts and research in the State of Indiana. New this year is a Groundwater Monitoring Network Inventory.