During heavy rain events, city streets and collection systems are bombarded with extra water. In recent years, city planners across the country have been implementing green infrastructure projects alleviate treatment plants and surface waters. The EPA recently completed a multi-year study to review how these systems impact groundwater quality.
News, Events, and Updates from MCWEC
Deicing Safely in Groundwater Protection Areas
Keeping walkways safe in the winter can be challenging. Many homes and businesses use deicing chemicals that may impact local ecosystems and overwhelm drinking water systems. Deicing is not the only option and implementing best practices can help reduce potential pollution problems.
Indiana Legislation 2023 – Water Quality Update
Earlier this month, members of the Indiana General Assembly began a long session year which will run through the end of April. Several bills have been filed which address topics related to protecting water quality throughout the state. We encourage you to contact your legislators to stress the importance of keeping our water free of […]
Evaluaciones gratuitas de protección de aguas subterráneas disponibles en español
Las empresas que se encuentran ubicados en las zonas protegidas pueden participar en una evaluación confidencial y gratuita en español.
New gadgets this holiday? Recycle your old ones for free this January.
On most Saturdays throughout the year, the Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW) hosts free ToxDrop events where residents of Marion County can bring electronics and household hazardous wastes to various locations throughout the city. As the holidays draw to a close, now is the time to round up your old gadgets, broken string lights, […]
EPA issues guidance outlining how states can monitor for PFAS discharges and take steps to reduce where detected
Leveraging the NPDES permit program will be instrumental in implementing the EPA’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap.