Each year groundwater professionals and communities celebrate National Groundwater Awareness Week to highlight the responsible development, management, and use of groundwater.
This week, take a moment to check for leaks around your home or business in an effort to conserve our water resources. Your leaks may seem tiny, but one faucet dripping with 1/16 of an inch of water can waste 10 gallons of water a day!
Where to look
Think about the places in your home that may have leaks. Sinks, toilets, and bath/shower heads are the most common indoors. A continuously running toilet is also a source of water loss. Remember to check the inside cabinets for pipe leaks. If you have access to a basements or crawlspace, take a quick trip and look on the floors for leak spots.
Outdoors, review your hose spigots and the area around the connection. If you use an irrigation check that everything is in working condition.
Fixing leaks
If you are able to fix the leak yourself, be sure to start by turning off the water supply. As you are dissembling, check for worn or damaged parts such as O-rings, valves and seals. YouTube is a great place to find videos for common DIY repairs.
As you are searching and repairing leaks in your home this week, take a minute to think about more ways to conserve water such as shorter showers, less watering of outdoor plants, turning off the faucet more while brushing teeth or cooking. Your bill and your community will thank you!