Marion County Wellfield Education Corporation’s (MCWEC) behind-the-scenes web applications were recently highlighted by the Indiana Geographic Information Council as an example of outstanding work using data from the state’s IndianaMap.
Part of MCWEC’s role is to help drinking water providers with reporting requirements and understanding environmental data that may have an impact on their water sources. To do this, MCWEC’s partner, Mundell & Associates developed interactive maps and an web application where water utilities can log in to view data specific to their areas. Some of the notable features include trend graphics and an application where a report of potential drinking water contaminants in a specific area can be generated.
In the past, small drinking water providers may have been intimidated by enterprise software solutions needed to work with geospatial data. Now, drinking water providers of all sizes can create free accounts and use publicly available data on IndianaMap to create applications which can be shared privately or with the public.