Each year, the National Groundwater Association (NGWA) sponsors a week of awareness, education and advocacy on the importance of groundwater to people’s health and the environment. This year, National Groundwater Awareness Week has kicked off from March 10-16th, with an aim of proactively engaging local communities, students, private well owners and all stakeholders in the sustainable management of their groundwater resources – now and for generations to come!
Fast Facts: Groundwater Importance and Threats
Groundwater provides drinking water for over 50% of the U.S. population – and nearly 100% of the population in our rural communities. Over 400,000 groundwater wells have been recorded in the state of Indiana (likely not covering full scope of wells on private properties), with nearly 1,500 reports of abandoned wells in need of remediation. With agriculture being a key part of the state’s economy, sustainable groundwater management is a clear priority for Indiana.
Groundwater resources are at risk by misuse, mismanagement and contamination and are increasingly under pressure as demand for freshwater and food production increases. Industrial chemical spills; land pollution seepage (e.g., pesticides, fertilizers, gasoline, road salts); improper disposal and dumping of household chemicals and waste into drains or onto the ground; failures in septic systems; and over pumping all reduce our ability to maintain a safe and sustainable water supply. These threats not only jeopardize the integrity of our groundwater but also pose risks to human health, environmental stability, and the overall resilience of our communities.

How Can I Protect Groundwater in my Community?
- Go native: Use native plants in your landscape. They look great, and don’t need much water or fertilizer. Also choose grass varieties for your lawn that are adapted for your region’s climate, reducing the need for extensive watering or chemical applications.
- Reduce chemical use: Use fewer chemicals around your home and yard, and make sure to dispose of them properly — don’t dump them on the ground!
- Manage waste: Properly dispose of potentially toxic substances like unused chemicals, pharmaceuticals, paint, motor oil, and other substances. Many communities hold household hazardous waste collections or sites — contact your local health department to find one near you.
- Don’t let it run: Shut off the water when you brush your teeth or while shaving, and don’t let it run while waiting for it to get cold. Keep a pitcher of cold water in the fridge instead.
- Fix the drip: Check all the faucets, fixtures, toilets, and taps in your home for leaks and fix them right away, or install water conserving models.
- Wash smarter: Limit yourself to just a five-minute shower, and challenge your family members to do the same! Also, make sure to only run full loads in the dish and clothes washers.
- Water wisely: Water the lawn and plants during the coolest parts of the day and only when they truly need it. Make sure you, your family, and your neighbors obey any watering restrictions during dry periods.
- Reduce, reuse, and recycle: Reduce the amount of “stuff” you use and reuse what you can. Recycle paper, plastic, cardboard, glass, aluminum and other materials.
- Natural alternatives: Use all natural/nontoxic household cleaners whenever possible. Materials such as lemon juice, baking soda, and vinegar make great cleaning products, are inexpensive, and environmentally-friendly.
- Learn and do more! Get involved in water education! Learn more about groundwater and share your knowledge with others.
For More Information:
National Groundwater Awareness Week 2024 Resource Page: https://www.ngwa.org/get-involved/gwaw
Private Well Owners – What you need to know about upkeep and maintenance of your system: https://wellowner.org
Water Well Wish – providing grants to low-income families to repair or replace private water wells: https://groundwater.org/water-well-wish/
Groundwater Foundation – Awareness raising and project ideas you can implement in your community: https://groundwater.org/in-your-community/
Groundwater Foundation – Threats to groundwater: https://groundwater.org/threats/
Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Statewide Groundwater Monitoring Network: https://www.in.gov/idem/cleanwater/information-about/groundwater-monitoring-and-source-water-protection/statewide-groundwater-monitoring-network/
Indiana University (IU) Indiana Geological & Water Survey – Protecting Groundwater Protects Public Health, the Environment: https://legacy.igws.indiana.edu/GroundWater/GroundWaterDay