From the Science and Engineering Forum to live demos and short courses, the Groundwater Week Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada is the groundwater industry’s largest event each year.
There’s still time to register for the Dec 5 start date!
During the conference, professionals from all sectors of the groundwater industry will come together to discuss solutions to current and future groundwater challenges. Attendees who arrive early on December 4th have the opportunity to attend a practical short course which will provide a logical progression of analytical techniques and case studies to guide participants through the maze of well evaluation/rehabilitation alternatives and pitfalls.
This year’s keynote features Daniel “Rudy” Ruettiger, subject of the inspirational 1993 film Rudy, who will present the conference’s keynote – a powerful message of “NEVER QUIT” and “YES I CAN” which comes from his personal experiences of adversity and triumph.
Registration for the conference is still open which special discounts for students, spouses, and National Groundwater Association members. Don’t miss out on this great networking opportunity and chance to learn about cutting edge ideas in groundwater protection!