The application deadline is quickly approaching for the 2024 Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy, a program of Purdue University (with support from Indiana’s major conservation agencies and organizations) which educates watershed coordinators, teachers, volunteers, engineers, district staff, non-profit organizations, and others to lead watershed efforts that improve water quality in Indiana. Developing and coordinating a local watershed organization can be a daunting task, especially if you are the person responsible for leading the process.
This year’s Academy will include three in-person workshops, live virtual group sessions, and distance learning modules to be completed online. The in-person sessions include:
- January 3-4, 2024: A two-day workshop at the Canyon Inn at McCormick’s Creek State Park.
- March 27-28 2024: A two-day workshop at Lindenwood Retreat & Conference Center in Donaldson, Indiana.
- May 22, 2024: Graduation presentation and celebration, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at The Garrison at Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park.
During the Academy you will:
- Engage in basic and advanced level watershed topics covering leadership
principles, watershed science, organization and communication, technology
and GIS, stakeholder involvement techniques and policy skills - Meet, learn from, and build a network of peers
- Interact with topic experts
- Earn a Professional Certificate in Watershed Management
Fees vary and scholarships are available. If you would like to build your capacity for watershed management, this is a great chance to network and gain the necessary strategies and skills for success!