During pollution prevention week, let’s celebrate organizations in Indiana who are taking outstanding steps to reduce waste, educate, and prevent pollution in their communities. Each year during the Indiana’s Annual Pollution Prevention Conference and Tradeshow, the Governor presents Awards for Environmental Excellence (GAEE) to Indiana citizens, government agencies, businesses, organizations, and educational institutions for outstanding achievements that positively impact Indiana’s environment.
Here are a couple award winners from previous GAEEs who undertook transformative programs which impact water supply or quality and included other environmental, economic and social benefits. Stay tuned for the 2023 winners in a wide variety of categories and industries which will be announced at the conference tomorrow!
Cummins – Clear-Coat Elimination Project
In the manufacturing industry, Cummins Mid-Range Engine Plant in Columbus, IN specializes in diesel and alternative fuel engines and generators. Recently it completed a study and validation to eliminate painting of engines which for 30 years had been done to prevent rust and create brand association.
The plant eliminated five resource intensive processes including washing with chemicals, painting and using a dry-off and cure oven. Not only has chemical usage and waste been reduced, but less water is used and less general waste is produced from previous masking (plastic caps, acetone rags, paint filters). The elimination of these process also produced reduced energy usage (by over 10%) and reductions in air emissions and natural gas usage (by 79%).
Big Pine Creek Watershed Project
To the north west of Indianapolis in Benton, Warren, Tippecanoe and White counties, The Big Pine Creek Watershed Project is a water-quality improvement program focused on preventing nutrient and sedimentary run off.
The project helps local farmers to implement practices like cover crops and provides education to understand impacts they have on the watershed. Since the program’s inception, it has prevented over 110,000 tons of sediment from entering local waterways, hosted 6,500 participants at area events, reached 30% of watershed residents regarding the importance of water quality in the watershed, and raised over $6 million to accomplish this work.
Elkhart’s Stormwater Alliance Management Program (SWAMP)
Beginning in 2017, the Elkhart County Soil & Water Conservation District implemented a cost-share program to provide financial assistance to landowners to implement conservation practices that reduce non-point source water pollution in the county. As part of participating in the program, the best management practices implemented must remain functional on the land for 5 years. Since the program’s inception, SWAMP has prevented a total of 20,373 tons of soil from entering local waterways, saved $42,783 in total on-farm nutrient benefit, and saved a total of $100,438 in total off-farm water quality benefit.
Congratulations to these previous winners for achieving excellence in preventing and reducing pollution! All improvements and initiatives with large budgets or small, impact our communities and create change for future generations.
See more award recipients from previous years: https://www.in.gov/idem/partnerships/governors-awards-for-environmental-excellence/gaee-past-recipients/
Interesting in improving your business’s pollution prevention practices? Check out our industry specific resources, or if your place of work is in Marion County, IN contact us to see if you are eligible for a free business pollution prevention assessment.