This Saturday, June 3, the Marion County Wellfield Education Corporation (MCWEC) will be demonstrating groundwater contamination during Earth Day Indiana at Garfield Park from 11am – 5pm.
Come by our table to check out a live drinking water contamination model! Stop in when you arrive at the festival and check back before you leave to see how far the ‘contamination’ has traveled.

If you are a business located in one of Marion County’s wellfields, we have plenty of resources to assist you in complying with local laws. Chat with one of our drinking water protection specialists to learn more about completing a groundwater protection assessment and how you can get free secondary contaminant equipment for your business.
There is plenty going on all day in addition to the 120 exhibitors with activities for kids, live music, food trucks and a beer garden. Best of all – the event is FREE!
Another perk for this festival is FREE electronic recycling! RecycleForce will be at the Festival to take old and broken electronics for proper recycling.
Getting to the Festival
Pick the eco friendly transportation option and take IndyGo or ride your bike to the Pedal and Park area (free bike check-in) as you enjoy the festival or other downtown happenings.
Central Indiana Regional Transportation Authority (CIRTA) and Miller Transportation are providing a complimentary shuttle bus from the former Christel DeHaan Academy located at 2717 S. East St, which is located just south of Garfield Park.
We hope to see you there! For more details visit