Make a simple change (or 2!) in your life or at your place of work that can result in a BIG impact for our communities, waterways, and wildlife this Earth Month.
Visit the Indiana Clear Choices Clean Water website to take one or more of the eleven pledges available, then share your action pledge(s) with a friend or family member and challenge them to take the pledge as well. Join Hoosiers from around the state and start making a difference today!

Pledges include
- Plant and care for trees
- Conserve Water
- Don’t feed waterfowl
- Plant natives, protect pollinators
- Use less fertilizer
- Pick up pet poo
- Maintain your septic
- Volunteer service
- Grow soil health
- Stop and prevent litter

What is Clear Choices Clean Water?
Clear Choices is a nationally award-winning program that seeks to increase awareness about the daily choices we can make as individuals to improve water quality and conserve water supplies.