What is SWAT?
SWAT events are part of the White River Alliance’s volunteer opportunities aimed at making a difference for our water.
A SWAT is a Storm Water Action Team. SWATs can be made up of groups of kids, colleagues, or neighbors that are willing to donate time to help steward storm drains and promote water quality awareness in neighborhoods or commercial centers.
Did you know that trillions of dangerous bacteria and literally tons of fertilizer and trash reach our local streams every year by way of street-side storm drains?
This has a big impact on wildlife and public health, but we can solve this problem with small acts of stewardship around our neighborhoods and businesses.
SWATs will be assigned to a portion of a neighborhood that has known drainage problems and whose storm drains discharge directly to an already impaired (polluted) stream, making conditions in that stream worse.
SWAT members will be provided gloves, garbage bags, safety vests, drain markers, and educational door hangers to distribute.
SWATs will work to remove leaves and debris from around several storm drains in the neighborhood, mark the drain with an educational marker, and then place Clear Choices Clean Water Adopt-a-Storm Drain door hangers on neighborhood residents’ doors.
Get more info about organizing a SWAT event in your neighborhood on the White River Alliance website!