Join the Clear Choices Clean Water Program!

You can help make a difference in water health!
Things that seem small, like how you maintain your lawn, how long your shower, and even picking up after your dog, can make a difference in the health of your water!
Clear Choices is a nationally award-winning program that seeks to increase awareness about the daily choices we can make as individuals to improve water quality and conserve water supplies.
Clear Choices has developed a reputation as a fun, engaging, easy, impactful outreach program. The results speak for themselves as the program sees more pledges each year and the increasing potential for preventing large amounts of pollution from reaching local waterways. Numerous metrics have been built into the program and are evaluated every year in an effort to make the program as responsive as possible.

Click here to learn more and take a pledge to:
- Plant and care for trees
- Conserve Water
- Don’t feed waterfowl
- Plant natives, protect pollinators
- Use less fertilizer
- Pick up pet poo
- Maintain your septic
- Volunteer service
- Grow soil health
- Stop and prevent litter