Join the Mounds Greenway, White River Alliance, and many others for a fun online discussion about the White River — its aquatic life and water quality –with biologists and water scientists from the Indiana DNR and Department of Environmental Management.
View the FREE livestream on January 22, from 1-2:15pm at or RSVP at
The White River Mainstem Project is a collaborative effort between IDEM, DNR, and the Muncie Sanitary District’s Bureau of Water Quality (BWQ) to sample the West Fork White River and White River mainstem from its headwaters to its confluence with the Wabash River during summer 2020. The project is surveying water chemistry and the river’s aquatic life – both fish and macroinvertebrates.
Cosponsored by Mounds Greenway, White River Alliance, Two Forks Guide Service, Friends of White River, Heart of the River, White River Watchers of Madison County, Red-Tail Land Conservancy, Hoosier Environmental Council, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Indiana Division of Fish and Wildlife, Indiana Department of Environmental Management and Muncie Sanitary District’s Bureau of Water Quality.