Did you know that the Marion County Wellfield Zoning Protection Ordinance bans new non-residential septic systems within the boundaries of the wellfields?
Section 742-204.E.2.g states:
“Septic Systems. No new non-residential septic system shall be located in the W-1 or W-5 Wellfield Protection zoning district pursuant to Section 742-204.F, Development Standards. Existing septic systems located in the W-1 or W-5 wellfield protection zoning district are prohibited from expanding.”
What does this mean? It means that no non-residential (i.e.: commercial) property in the wellfield may install a new septic system or expand the capacity of an existing septic system. Any new commercial site must be connected to the sanitary sewer system.
Why are new non-residential septic systems banned in the wellfields? Septic systems can suffer failures in many components, including the tank, pipes and drainage fields, which can cause raw, untreated sewage to percolate to the surface, and enter nearby surface water drainage or contaminate nearby water wells. This contamination can cause algal blooms in surface water and contribute coliform bacteria to surface and groundwater, including water wells. Coliform bacteria, also know as E. Coli, can cause stomach upset and diarrhea.
So if you own non-residential property inside one of the Marion County wellfields, please be aware that you cannot install a new septic system on that property. To find out if you are located inside a wellfield, see our maps available on our ‘Am I in a Wellfield’ page.