Although school is coming to an end this year, Great Lakes Now offers a comprehensive set of middle school lesson plans that could be used at home or for early planning for the fall!
The collection is divided into two sets plus a virtual field trip. Collection 1 – Exploration of the Great Lakes – includes 17 lessons relating to the structure, function and formation of the Great Lakes (ex: “The Great Lakes Watershed”, “Great Lakes Ecosystems”, “Formation of the Great Lakes”, “Contemporary Issues Facing the Great Lakes”).
Collection 2 – Exploration of THREATS to the Great Lakes – includes 11 lessons focusing on the threats to the ecosystems from pollution, invasive species and climate change (ex: “Does Fishing Threaten the Great Lakes”, “The Bloomin’ Algae Harming Lake Erie”, “A Freshwater Oil Spill Cleanup Simulation”, “Responding to PFAS Crisis”, “The Supply and Demand of Groundwater”).
The lessons are well structured and include objectives, estimated time, facilitation ideas, activities, closure and exit modules.
What is Great Lakes Now?
The Great Lakes Now initiative is a project of Detroit Public TV and offers in-depth coverage of news, issues, events and developments affecting the lakes and the communities that depend on them, while capturing the character and culture of the region. Tune in to their monthly magazine style television program or view daily online reports at