The registration deadline for the Third Annual Stormwater Landscape Maintenance Workshop on December 5, 2019 presented by the White River Alliance is fast approaching.
Homeowners Associations, landscape contractors, and land developers are invited to register for this workshop by November 27, 2019. The Stormwater Landscape Maintenance Training Seminar is offered annually and will be held this year at the Noblesville City Hall from 9:00 am-3:30 pm. Lunch, snacks, and workshop materials are provided in the cost of the $15 registration fee. Space is limited!
How is stormwater infrastructure related to an HOA?
Homeowner associations are required to maintain some of the stormwater infrastructure in the common areas of their neighborhoods. This includes ponds, swales, shoreline plantings, rain gardens, pervious pavement and pavers, water quality units and other features known as Stormwater Best Management Practices or BMPs. Some of this stormwater infrastructure includes mechanical pollution separators that are connected to buried pipes that are accessed by ground-level covers.
Municipalities hold an Operations and Maintenance Plan (O&M) on file for each neighborhood’s stormwater infrastructure, and these plans contain the maintenance requirements for the types of facilities that were established when the development was originally under design and construction.
Responsibility for these O&M plans are passed from the builder to the HOA upon completion of the development; however, many HOAs and their landscape contractors are unaware of these responsibilities. Local governments are beginning to enforce these requirements since the lack of maintenance is having a negative impact on important local water quality management.
If you help run an HOA, are a landscape contractor or a property or pond management company who maintains neighborhood property, come join this informational workshop to learn about regulatory compliance issues and how to avoid costly failures of these stormwater landscape features.
The workshop will also cover the benefits of native plants, rain gardens, design tips, and installation and maintenance issues.
To learn more about the workshop, The White River Alliance, and to register visit