Protect Your Groundwater Day on September 1, 2020 is an annual observance established to highlight the responsible development, management, and use of groundwater. The event is also a platform to encourage yearly water well testing and well maintenance.
On PYGWD, the National Ground Water Association urges you to ACT – Acknowledge, Consider and Take action. Use this day to begin doing your part for protecting one of our most important natural resources — groundwater.
1. Acknowledge the causes of preventable groundwater contamination
- Everyone
- These are common to households
- Most household water use occurs in a few areas around the home.
- If you own a water well
- Wellheads should be a safe distance from potential contamination
- Septic system malfunctions can pollute groundwater
- Poorly constructed or maintained wells can facilitate contamination
- Improperly abandoned wells can lead to groundwater contamination.
2. Consider which apply to you
- Everyone
- What specific hazardous substances are in and around your home?
- Where do you and your family use the most water?
- If you own a water well
- Is your wellhead a safe distance from possible contamination? Is your well/septic system due for an inspection?
- Are there any abandoned wells on your property?
3. Take action to prevent groundwater contamination
- Everyone
- When it comes to hazardous household substances:
- Store them properly in a secure place
- Use them according to the manufacturer’s recommendations
- Dispose of them safely
- When it comes to water conservation:
- Modify your water use (more water saving tips).
- When it comes to hazardous household substances:
- If you own a water well
- Move possible contamination sources a safe distance from the wellhead
- Get current on your septic system inspection and cleaning
- Get your annual water well system inspection
- Properly decommission any abandoned wells using a professional.
For more ideas and information visit the NGWA Protect Your Groundwater Day website.